Project Principal Investigators (PIs)
Lead UK PI
Professor William Bloss (University of Birmingham)
Lead Indian PI
Prof Mukesh Khare (IITD - Indian Institute of Technology - Delhi)
UK Principal Investigating Partners
University of Birmingham
- Professor William Bloss (lead UK PI) - Professor of Atmospheric Science and Head of the School of Geography, Earth & Environmental Sciences. His research focuses upon tropospheric chemistry and air pollution, studied through laboratory, chamber and field measurements, measurements, including the NERC ClearfLo (Clean Air for London), ICOZA (Integrated Chemistry of Ozone in the Atmosphere) and SNAABL (Sources of Nitrous Acid in the Atmospheric Boundary Layer) projects, and a recent Royal Society International Exchanges project Understanding Local Ozone Production in Delhi, India.
- Professor Roy Harrison OBE (UoB Co-I) - is Professor of Environmental Health and Head of the Environmental Health Sciences Group. He currently heads a substantial research activity in the field of air pollution, including leading the forthcoming NERC-NSFC Chinese Megacity project Sources and Emissions of Air Pollutants in Beijing. He has been heavily involved in providing policy support advice to government and currently contributes to the DEFRA Air Quality Expert Group and Department of Health Committee on the Medical Effects of Air Pollutants. He is UK PI for a recently completed UK-India UKIERI project Receptor Modelling of Particulate Air Pollutants, joint with Prof M Khare (IIT Delhi - lead Indian PI for this proposal) and Professors John Watson and Judy Chow (Desert Research Institute, USA).
- Dr Zongbo Shi (UoB Co-I) - is a lecturer in Atmospheric Biogeochemistry. He is currently funded by NERC to integrate scientific and observational activities within the five funded projects of the £12m NERC-MRC-NSFC Air Pollution and Human Health in a Chinese Megacity programme (APHH-Beijing), and is a co-I on the AIRPOLL-Beijing consortium to study the sources and emissions of air pollutants in Beijing. He has worked extensively on particulate matter pollution and aerosol processes in both Asian and European countries.
University of Surrey
- Professor Prashant Kumar (UoS Co-I) - is Chair in Air Quality and Health and the founding Director of the Global Centre for Clean Air Research (GCARE; at the University of Surrey, UK. His research builds an understanding of the formation and emission of particles, both from vehicle exhausts and non-vehicular sources. He investigates their contribution to pollution, especially in megacity contexts. He is developing approaches to low-cost sensing and contributing to the development of exposure control technology and guidelines for policymakers to curtail pollution exposure in cities, with associated health benefits. He has secured over £4 million of individual funding as a PI/CoI from the RCUK, industry and international funding bodies such as ESRC (ASTRID), Qatar National Research Foundation (EM4fME) and H2020 (iSCAPE and OPERANDUM) and actively collaborating with partners across the four continents.
- Dr Sarkawt (UoS PDRA) - is a Post-doctoral Research Fellow at the GCARE, with 5 papers and experience in measurement of particle number, laboratory analysis and chemical composition of particulate matter. He is contrbuting to chemical source profiling, source apportionment and budget analysis.
Indian Principal Investigating Partners
Indian Institute of Technology - Delhi (IITD)
- Prof Mukesh Khare (IITD; lead Indian PI) - is a Chartered Engineer, Fellow of the Institution of Engineers (India) and Fellow of the Wessex Institute of Great Britain. He is a Chair of the State Level Environmental Impact Assessment Authority, Government of Delhi NCT. He is a founder member and patron of the Planet Earth Institute London and Independent Director in the Board of Directors, Blacksmiths Pure Earth, USA.
- Prof Arvind K. Nema (IITD Co-I) obtained a Ph.D. in Environmental Science & Engineering from IIT Bombay. Since 1997 he has been involved in research in the field of Environmental Engineering. Dr Nema is an expert member of the Central Pollution Control Board’s steering committee for the Environmental Action Plan for Critically Polluted Areas.
National Physical Laboratory (NPL)
- Dr Chhemendra Sharma (NPL Co-I) is a Senior Principal Scientist at NPL. He has over 25 years experience leading research projects funded by national and international agencies including Ministry of Environment & Forests, CSIR, DST, ISRO, Asia Pacific Network for Global Change Research, START and ADB, and is currently steering the CSIR XII Five Year Plan network project “Probing the Changing Atmosphere and its Impacts in Indo-Gangetic Plains and Himalayan Regions”. He has over 80 publications, and is a scientific steering committee member of the IGAC (International Global Atmospheric Chemistry) project.
- Dr Sumit Kumar Mishra (NPL Co-I) has an M.Sc. Physics (Opto-electronics) from Lucknow University, M. Tech. in Atmospheric Physics (Pune / IITM Pune) and a PhD in Civil Eng. (Environmental Eng.) from IIT-Kanpur. He is an expert in the characterisation of aerosol morphology, mineralogy and mixing state, and the numerical simulation of aerosol optical properties. He has published a series of papers characterising the chemical and optical properties of aerosol, particularly dust, in environments ranging from northern India to the probable atmosphere of Mars, alongside substantial experience of field aerosol sampling.
Other Project Partners
Central Road Research Institute (CRRI)
University of Texas
- Prof J Apte - leading a parallel, funded US research activity with complementary observational capability at IIT-Delhi, with whom we have agreed data exchange
INFN, Italy
- Prof. F Lucarreli - loan of streaker samplers and PIXE analysis for time-resolved (hourly) PM elemental composition measurement
- Dr. J Zhang, IGG - provision of state-of-the-science nanoSIMS analyses for visualisation of individual particle composition and structure
DRI Reno
- Prof J Chow
- Prof J Watson
Delhi Pollution Control Committee (DPCC)