Project Principal Investigators (PIs)
Lead UK PI
Dr. Anil Namdeo (University of Newcastle)
Lead Indian PI
Dr. Shiva Nagendra (Indian Institute of Technology Madras (IITM))
UK Principal Investigating Partners
Newcastle University (UNEW)
- Dr Anil Namdeo (UK PI), is a Chartered Environmentalist, a Chartered Scientist, a Fellow of the Royal Meteorological Society, a member of steering committee of the Institute for Air Quality Management, and a member of the US Transport Research Board’s Committee on Transport and Air Pollution. He has interests in traffic emissions, air quality and health, and will be acting both as principal investigator in the UK and coordinator of the overall project. He previously has worked with IITM, IITD, IITB, CRRI and NEERI on air quality issues in Indian megacities.
- Prof. Margaret Bell CBE has 45 years’ research experience mainly in the field of traffic and environment monitoring, modelling, management, control and policy implications. She has worked with IITD, IITB and IITM on urban air quality monitoring and management in Indian megaci-ties (Delhi, Chennai and Mumbai). Her research extends to exposure of people to indoor and outdoor pollution.
- Dr Paul Goodman, is a Research Associate within the Transport Operations Research Group. He has two decades of experience working on environmental assessment, including creation of Greenhouse Gas and Local Air Quality Emissions Inventories, as well as development of city- and region-wide modelling methodologies. Dr Goodman will act as general project manager of CADTIME at Newcastle University.
University of the West of England (UWE)
- Prof. James Longhurst has worked at the interface of air pollution science and policy for some 30 years. He founded the Atmospheric Research and Information Centre (ARIC) and the AQ-MRC. He co-founded the Institute of Air Quality Management. He has advised national governments, municipalities and enforcement agencies globally. In India, he has previously collaborated with IITD, IITM, Gautam Buddh Technical University and TERI University.
- Dr Enda Hayes is Associate Professor in Air Quality and Carbon Management, and Director of AQMRC. He has over 15 years’ experience in environmental sciences contributing to the AQ appraisal at the UK National and European level. Dr Hayes is currently the UWE Lead on EU Com-mission and EEA Framework Contracts to review of the Thematic Strategy on Air Pollution and is Technical Director of the EU H2020 funded Clair City project, developing Citizen Led Air pollution Reduction in Cities.
- Dr Tim Chatterton is Senior Research Fellow working in air pollution, climate change and energy science and policy for over 17 years. He has contributed to a wide range of international work, including EU projects on air pollution forecasting (APPETISE), integration of AQ management and urban governance (INTEGAIRE), sustainable governance (G-FORS) and the recent review of the Thematic Strategy on Air Pollution. He is UWE’s liaison with the Clean Air Initiative for Asian Cities, has been involved with Better Air Quality Asia conferences, and has visited IITD and IITM. Dr Chatterton is leading the Behaviour work package for the H2020 Clair City project.
- Dr Jo Barnes is Senior Research Fellow in AQMRC and has worked in air quality for more than 10 years. Previously Head of the Air Quality Unit at Cornwall College, she has worked at UWE since August 2008. She played a major role in the Local Air Quality Management Support contract for DEFRA, and the EU Contract to support the review of the Thematic Strategy on Air Pollution. Dr Barnes is UWE lead of the Stakeholder Engagement work package on the H2020 Clair City project.
- Dr Laura De Vito has extensive experience working in EU environmental politics, policy and practice at local, national, EU level. Her research background is in Public Policy, particularly EU policy, and Environmental Policy, in which she has two Masters' (at LUISS Guido Carli University, Rome, & at the London School of Economics and Political Sciences). Her PhD research addressed the complexities of implementing the EU's Water Framework Directive on the ground and her thesis was nominated for the Faculty of Social Sciences and Law prize for outstanding excellence in a doctoral thesis. Since July 2017 she has been employed in the Air Quality Management Resource Centre (AQMRC) at the University of the West of England (UWE), Bristol, as a Research Associate.
Indian Principal Investigating Partners
Indian Institute of Technology Madras (IITM)
- Dr Shiva Nagendra (Indian PI), is Associate Professor in Civil Engi-neering and Head, Environmental and Water Resources Engineering Laboratory. He has worked with Fluidyn, Bangalore in developing air quality software. His research interests focus on air quality management, including monitoring, source apportionment, and modelling, as well as the develop-ment of emission control systems, exposure monitoring systems, environmental impact assess-ment, outdoor-indoor air pollution relationships and indoor air quality management. He was previ-ously collaborated with UNEW and UWE on urban air quality research projects.
- Dr B Sengupta will be involved in this project as senior consultant. He worked as Member Secretary for 10 years at Central Pollution Control Board, Ministry of Environment and For-ests, New Delhi. He has extensive experience in the field of Air and Water Quality Management, Industrial Pollution Control, Standard Development (Ambient and Source specific), Environmental Impact Assessment Studies, Fuel Quality improvements, Clean Technology, Waste Minimisation, Pollution Prevention issues, Pollution Control in SSI units, Climate Change, Hazardous and Solid Waste Management.
- Dr Gitakrishnan Ramadurai is Assistant Professor in Transportation Engineering. His pri-mary research interests are in dynamic traffic assignment, network modelling, traffic simulation, In-telligent Transport Systems (ITS), urban freight systems, public transit systems, and pedestrian and road safety. He received his Ph.D. in Transportation Engineering from Rensselaer Polytechnic Insti-tute, Troy, NY, M.S. in Civil Engineering from University of Texas at Austin, and B.Tech. with honors in Civil Engineering from Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee. He is a recipient of New York Metropolitan Transportation Commission’s September 11 Memorial Program Fellowship in 2007-08. He has co-authored over 45 conference and journal papers. He has served as co-investigator in Government of India funded projects on ITS and urban transportation. He has advised Chennai Port Trust and CIDCO, Navi Mumbai on improving congestion of trucks destined to ports. He is also a corresponding member of the IRC H-8 committee on urban roads.
- Dr Jessica Seddon is Senior Fellow, Centre for Technology and Policy at IIT Madras as well as Founder of Okapi Research, an IIT Madras-incubated research and consulting group focused on building ecosystems for social impact. She is also Adjunct Faculty in the Departments of Civil Engi-neering and Humanities and Social Science, IITM. She is trained as economist, but her work cuts across sectors - from infrastructure to environmental change - to enable innovative approaches to sustainable development. Dr Seddon has advised a number of state and national government initi-atives in India, most recently the Kelkar Committee on Public Private Partnerships, the Indo-Califor-nia Air Pollution Mitigation Programme (ICAMP) focused on reducing emissions from transport, the Prime Minister’s National Transport Development Policy Committee and the High Powered Expert Committee on Urban Infrastructure. Dr Seddon also worked on strategies for air quality governance with the U.S. EPA’s Office of Air and Radiation as a Council on Foreign Relations International Affairs Fellow. She holds a PhD from Stanford University and a BA from Harvard University.
Indian Institute of Technology Bombay (IITB)
- Prof. Ashok Deshpande, is a visiting professor at the Indian Institute of Technology, Mumbai, India and the University of New South Wales, Canberra, Australia. He is also adjunct professor at the College of Engineering, Pune, India and the National Institute of Technology, Silchar, Assam. He has 4 decades of research and development experience and has over 120 journal and confer-ence publications. In the past, he was WHO Adviser, Common Wealth Science Council Resource Scientist, World Bank Project Director for the studies on Probabilistic Risk Assessment for Chemical Process industry.
Central Road Research Institute (CRRI)
- Dr Niraj Sharma is a Senior Principal Scientist and Head of Environmental Science Division at CSIR-Central Road Research Institute, New Delhi. He has more than 25 years of research expe-rience and has carried out various projects in the area of air pollution studies, emission gains from metro rail projects, ambient and exhausts emission modelling, fuel loss estimations, environmental impact assessment of road/highway, metro rail corridor and building projects, environment manage-ment and conservation. He was a member of the Expert Appraisal Committee (EAC) on Coastal Regulation Zone, Infrastructure & Miscellaneous Projects New Construction and Industrial Estate Projects (Ministry of Environment and Forest, Govt. of India) (2007-2013).
National Environmental Engineering Research Institute (NEERI)
- Dr Rakesh Kumar is Director of National Environmental Engineering Research Institute and has more than 25 years’ experience in the field of air pollution control and management, urban air quality monitoring, emission inventory and modelling, Environmental Impact Assessment, and Climate Change and Health. He has published more than 65 papers in international journals and 43 papers in national refereed journals with 4 books and 9 chapters in different books. He has 8 patents to his credit. Additionally, he has published several technical reports on research/consultancy con-ducted for government agencies and private industries. He has been coordinating multiple R&D and environment improvement initiatives with USEPA since 2003.