Project Principal Investigators (PIs)
Lead UK PI
Dr. Eiko Nemitz (UKCEH)
Lead Indian PI
Prof Mukesh Khare (IITD - Indian Institute of Technology - Delhi)
UK Principal Investigating Partners
NERC Centre for Ecology and Hydrology (UKCEH)
- Dr. Eiko Nemitz (UK (PI) - is an environmental physicist with >20 years of experience in micrometeorological flux measurements of gases and aerosol, and he led the extension of this work to provide top-down emission estimates in cities in NERC and EU projects (e.g. CityFlux, ClearfLo, AIRPOLL-Beijing). He has pioneered the use of new flux instrumentation, incl. aerosol mass spectrometry. Dr Nemitz has led several NERC grants and major components of EU projects, co-ordinating budgets of up to €3.5M.
- Dr. Ben Langord - specialises in the measurement of surface/atmosphere exchange fluxes of VOC by PTR-MS and aerosol chemical compounds by AMS.
- Dr Ulrike Dragosits - contributes to the official UK emissions inventory of NH3, CH4 and N2O, and leads on the spatial distribution of agricultural emissions and a range of non-agricultural sources.
- Dr Mhairi Coyle - has >20 years of experience in the flux measurement of reactive gases.
University of York
- Dr James Lee - is Senior NCAS Research Fellow, with responsibility for coordinating observations in the field of tropospheric oxidant chemistry and emissions of gas phase air pollutants. Dr. Lee has >15 years of experience in coordinating large measurement intensive field campaigns.
- Dr Jaqueline Hamilton - has spent 15 years studying secondary organic aerosols (SOA), developing novel high-resolution methods to identify their gas phase sources and quantifying the composition of SOA, identifying new pathways for their formation and insights into their impact on human health and climate. She was awarded the 2009 Desty Memorial Award for this work.
- Dr David Carslaw - has expertise in the quantification of vehicle emissions and the development of novel receptor modelling techniques. Recent work based on vehicle emission remote sensing quantified, for the first time, NOx and NO2 emissions for the European vehicle fleet. He joined the UK Air Quality Expert Group (AQEG) in 2002.
Lancaster University
- Prof Nick Hewitt - has worked on volatile organic compounds since 1990. His work has included laboratory studies, field measurements and modelling, including the measurement of VOC fluxes from the surface to the atmosphere by micro-meteorological methods.
- Dr Oliver Wild - is a Reader with >20 years of experience in developing and applying models of atmospheric chemistry and transport. He is a member of the UNECE LRTAP task force on Hemispheric Transport of Air Pollutants (HTAP) and a lead author on the HTAP Assessment Report on intercontinental transport of pollutants and their impacts on agriculture, human health, and climate.
University of Manchester
- Dr James Allan - is a Senior Research Fellow and NCAS scientist who specialises in atmospheric aerosol measurements, particularly with Aerosol Mass Spectrometry (AMS), and multivariate analyses and modelling of optical properties. He has published 123 peer-reviewed publications (h-index 41). In 2013 he was awarded the prestigious EAC Smoluchowski Award for his contributions to AMS.
- Ernesto Reyes Villegas - is a student completing his PhD in the analysis of complex aerosol data in polluted environments, using instruments such as the AMS, ACSM and chemical ionisation mass spectrometer.
Indian Principal Investigating Partners
Indian Institute of Technology - IIT Roorkee
- Prof. Bhola Ram Gurjar (Indian PI) - is Professor in Civil (Environmental) Engineering and Head of IIT’s Centre for Transportation Systems (CTRANS) with 25 years’ experience in industry, teaching, training, research, and consultancy. His research interests focus on air pollution (emissions, air quality and health impacts) in megacities. Prof. Gurjar has authored/edited 9 books and 137 publications and received awards and fellowships incl. an Advanced Postdoctoral Research Fellowship (Max Planck Soc., Germany) and a UKIERI Grant (Univ. Surrey, U.K.). He received the 2004 START Young Scientist Award from the global change System for Analysis, Research and Training, and the American Society of Civil Engineers’ State of the Art of Civil Engineering Award in 2014. Dr. Gurjar is recognised as a pioneer of integrated studies of urban emissions, air quality and health.
CSIR-National Physical Laboratory (NPL-India)
- Dr T.K. Mandal - has participated in several national and international programs, with >23 years of experience in characterizing the dynamic and chemical properties of the atmosphere. His research interests include tropical atmospheric chemistry, dynamical and chemical coupling in the middle atmosphere, analysis of trace species (e.g., ozone, aerosol) and their emission sources. He recently developed laboratory determined district level emission factors of pollutants from biomass fuels used in India. He has completed 13 projects for different ministries (DST, ISRO, MoEF, CSIR) and has 73 journal papers.
Indian Institute of Technology - IIT Kanpur
- Dr. Mukesh Sharma - is Professor of Civil Engineering at IIT Kanpur and has been associated with development of emission and effluent standards and environmental impact assessments for ~10 years. He has been a visiting professor at the Universities of Guelph, Canada and Kyoto, Japan, and received awards, incl. Kong Ha Award in Air Quality and the Hiyoshi Environmental Award. He works on air quality monitoring, modelling and management, exposure assessment and simulation. He has published/presented >100 papers in journals and conferences. He is PI of international research projects from Norway, France, World Bank, USA and various agencies in India, and participates in national and international committees on environmental protection.
National Environmental Engineering Research Institute (NEERI), Nagpur
- Priyanka Saxena - works as a scientist at NEERI. She has >10 years experience in analytical science, operating state-of-the-art analytical instrumentation incl. ICP, NMR, MALDI-TOF-TOF, LTQ, ESI-Q-TOF. Her interest is in environmental monitoring and water quality analysis. She has been involved in 7 projects for ministries and Govt. bodies like MoEF, MoDWS, Delhi Jal Board, with ongoing projects with DJB and MoEF.
Other Project Partners
Physical Research Laboratory (PRL)
- Dr. Varun Sheel - is involved in modelling chemical and dynamical processes in the lower atmosphere, with focus on trace gases and urban pollution. He was the Indian PI of an Indo-UK workshop on pollution in Megacities, funded by Royal Society and DST in Edinburgh (2014/15).
- Dr. Lokesh Kumar Sahu - has worked on measurements of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) since 1999 using TD-GC-FID and PTR-TOF-MS instruments, and has contributed to various field campaigns over the polluted Indo-Gangetic Plain (IGP), oceanic Bay of Bengal, remote mountains. He has also participated in several international projects based at the University of Tokyo and NASA.
Indira Delhi Technical University for Women (IGDTUW)
- Dr. Ranu Gadi - heads the Applied Science Department and works as Associate Professor, running a lab for Environmental Analyses and Research. She has authored >50 research papers and conference contributions in the on the quantification and characterisation of biomass emissions, characterisation of atmospheric aerosols (elemental, organics, carbonaceous, metals) and environmental analytical chemistry.